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 H0w do u d0 when y0ur friendship l0ving u????

H0w d0 u d0?? Tell me plz... (14 years ago)

Stop dreaming.....miss.and regioce for d coming n birth of Jesus christ. (14 years ago)

friendshp loving u, watz that? (14 years ago)

U kn0w guyz my friendship who's l0ving me she's a girl and she's s0 cute but i d0n't kn0w why she's said she's l0ve me.. Oh my g0d!!! I d0n't kn0w what sh0uld i d0? Im going t0 crazy! Help me plz.. Whatz sh0uld i d0?  (14 years ago)

I have idea for u. (14 years ago)

Whatz ab0ut y0ur idea? (14 years ago)

Maymay~chan. Tadaima Doumo arigatou gozaimasu. 0daiji ni mata ashita sayonara!  (14 years ago)

coz u r loveable...n u should say to her ''SIS I LOVE U TOO.'' Ok..best wishes.  (14 years ago)

Thankz.. But n0t en0ugh to help me  (14 years ago)

I can't say to her i l0ve her.. C0z i started to hate her and i never say l0ve to a girl bef0re haha^^ D0 u have new i dea ? Tell me plz my guyz (14 years ago)

yeah! I have another idea, say to her 'SIS, I HATE U' I THINK ITS D RIGHT WAY.  (14 years ago)

Hey.. I said i hate her but itz n0t w0rk!! Im g0ing t0 crazy huehuehue^^  (14 years ago)

neither u can hate nor u can love. U cnt do anything. Sorry.. (14 years ago)

Thankz.. Merry xmas!  (14 years ago)

@ alien..u make me laugh.. hahaha..lol @maymay, are you sure that she loves you as a LOVER and not just as friend or brother..lmfao..hmmnn you starting to hate her huh! Is it bcoz the more you hate is the more you love? lol (14 years ago)

I mean if she loves you like bf not LOVER... (14 years ago)

She told me she l0ve me.. And n0w i started to scary of her!! I can't beleive it a girl l0ve me oh n0... Itz hard to understand!  (14 years ago)

Laughing is gud 4 health. Thanks. Well,@maymay, u shouldn't talk wd her(him) anymore...Juz ignore her(him)...Well merry christmas to all. (14 years ago)

@maymay, hmmm am starting to wonder wats in u that made this poor friend of urs do crazy stuffs...lmao (14 years ago)

Shez my friendship shez namez jinny.. Her profile JinNyKawaii.. I want u to kn0w her and talk t0 her!  (14 years ago)

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