be free to speak out your beliefs.. (13 years ago)
yes it shud be legalizd and i guess itz alread announced to b legal in sum countries.. (13 years ago)
koen are u in relation wit the same sex?tel us frankly (13 years ago)
vic,no im not into it..im just a simple college studnt who is concern into what is happening in our society.and my topic has become one of our topic in my law subject..and i thnk there is n0thng wrong if i also ask how other people and other nation look at the issue.. (13 years ago)
yeah..ofcurz ther's nothng wrong to ask and d topic grt.. (13 years ago)
plz call me 08269555421 (13 years ago)
Whenever we do a matter against The Nature, we'll repent for it... According to me, its neither wrong nor right.. (13 years ago)
R u a lesbo?@koen (13 years ago)
i think its totally wrong. (13 years ago)
^ys, zamana badalgaya,legalizng SAME SEX RELATIONSHIP is nt gud idea (13 years ago)
@pankajverma90-y do i have to call u sir?.im in d phlippines sir..and i dont have load for ovrseas call..@decemb18-no im n0t a lesbian..i just want to know how other people do feel into this issue.@others-im sorry i cant understand other language other than english and filipino.. (13 years ago)
@vic43key-thank you for appreciating the topic.i hope everyone would participate..@everyone-thank you for giving your comment.i highly appreciate it.. (13 years ago)
Thnx god...ur not 1 of them (13 years ago)
hehe.*.*.really n0t.. (13 years ago)
it is based upon the think of person that he want relation with same sex or not. But i think that this is not legal because girl girl cannot do anything and also boy boy. The people make relation with same sex are called gay. They also cant reproduce. (13 years ago)
@misba-yah..your right.they really can't reproduce..@vampire-y do you think it totally wrong?.. (13 years ago)
do any1 kw y itz been declared to be legal in many countries? (13 years ago)
ha ha ha ha ha...gud answr vamp.. (13 years ago)
@vic-here in our country i guess it will never be legal because most of the people here at catholics..even the leaders of our country..and as everyone knows,i guess m0st of us catholics are so conservative and really against such things..and that i do not know to other c0untries.. (13 years ago)
ooh den u r lucky bt we r all trap around them..))) SAVE US Koen..n..n ((( (13 years ago)