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Me n my ex bf alwayz fight wif each other. .N lst night,,i dream ab0ut him n i was in a relati0nship!!I pr0mise i w0n`t fight wif him again!!I hate him so much than u cn ever imagen!! (15 years ago)

Its a good sign...hehe (15 years ago)

Haha. .xD no it isn`t. .;pp it`s a bad sign by me. . (15 years ago)

No,thats mean u thinking about him...maybe its ur future...hehe (15 years ago)

haha. .xD there`s no way he bec0me my bf again. .We alwayz hate each other. . (15 years ago)

Remembr opocte atracts and if u h8 him, theres a reas0n 4u 2luv him. (15 years ago)

I support u bhillyzein...u dream bout ur future gummybear...i'be happy 4 u...hehe (15 years ago)

A big BUT! But gummie if ur pertaining to a l0ng distance relax0nshp were there is n0 pers0nal contact, oh my, d0nt b serious wid that typ of relax0nshp. (15 years ago)

Go and let urself find sum1 that can be with u all d tym u nid, wh0 can realy luv u in reality, that can help and guide u all d way u nid.. 4short.. Go and find a partner that is realistic. N0t in a social community in d intrnet. (15 years ago)

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