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 My feelings...

I feel that nowadays our forum is with a lack of people to share, debate etc... Some of our guys leave this site without any intimation to us... I feel really sad about this.. Even You have more important works in your real life, practice yourself to come here atleast once in a day.. Please.. (13 years ago)

please .................  (13 years ago)

who has left forum? Hmm... The ppls abt u r thinking, actually, give preferance to chat. And some of them have computer so they remain into computer website. (13 years ago)

Ys, alien is rt..., (13 years ago)

i think that may ownskin are not common like face book or yahoo . One more they think that person in ownskin not much good like fb r yh,.... I just think . D't be mind me.  (13 years ago)

Nancy may be rite but as i think some ppl do'nt have much time to spend on OS but i belive that every skiner love the site cuz of its simplisity may be i am wrong but its my opinion.nice topic balaa bro. (13 years ago)

What about rodayao? What about pemuwa? What about Valentin? What about ungok? What about koen? What about Finnfinny? What about iara? What about Billydayn? What about abasalim? What about wapstar? What about vampire? (13 years ago)

What about rodayao? What about pemuwa? What about Valentin? What about ungok? What about koen? What about Finnfinny? What about iara? What about Billydayn? What about abasalim? What about wapstar? (13 years ago)

What about sinox? (13 years ago)

hi guys,im here and i pop in everyday but dont find any topic that arouse the passion to debate and other topics are in languages only known by those who wrote them.Any nice topic and iam game,that i promise. (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. (13 years ago)

Valentin.. You can share everything here.. Why do you give the preference to 'debate'...? If you didn't like to share your thought on others topic, You May Create a New topic to debate...  (13 years ago)

yah tru even wen i ask ma frnd abou os dey dnt knw,bt lyk it al0t its very nyc. (13 years ago)

Rohit why r u laughing.. he.he (13 years ago)

Everyone knows each other at facebook no one is unknown there and here its not like that ur free and so u get the freedom to us all types of word ,sentences etc. .. And so iam back (13 years ago)

nothing to say on this topic.!!! (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

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