Globalization has made the World come under a common Roof, Shattering Boundaries and Limits of Various Nations.. There is a free inflow of Knowledge, Goods and eXpertise.. Latest TechnoloGies and eQuipments are within our Reach.. It has opened up Many Avenues for Individual Upliftment.. It has eased the Burden of Unemployment Problem in Developing Nations like our India.... Am I right Dears..? It has also revealed the need for eDucational reforms and Quality improvement of Various Commodities On Par with the World Standards.. We also take Pride in Saying that Indian Products are also Able to Compete in the World Market Successfully, Which was Not Forecasted Earlier to this eXtent...... woops.. (13 years ago)
Though GlobaliZation has Done some Good to Us, We cann't deny that it has its Own Pit Falls.. Only the Products from the Large Scale Industries Has Gained easy Access into the World Market, Whereas the Small Scale Counterparts are at a Disadvantage to Compete with the World Market.. As a Result of this, Our Skilled Artisans, Handicraftsmen, Weavers, Peasants and others are Lagging behind... We are Aware that in a country like India, which lives in its villages, it is imperative, that the Modern Technologies are used to open up the World Market to These People.. (13 years ago)
Though GlobaliZation has Done some Good to Us, We cann't deny that it has its Own Pit Falls.. Only the Products from the Large Scale Industries Has Gained easy Access into the World Market, Whereas the Small Scale Counterparts are at a Disadvantage to Compete with the World Market.. As a Result of this, Our Skilled Artisans, Handicraftsmen, Weavers, Peasants and others are Lagging behind... We are Aware that in a country like India, which lives in its villages, it is imperative, that the Modern Technologies are used to open up the World Market to These People.. (13 years ago)
Dears, Its up to each one of Us, as the emerging Generation to Bring these people to the Main Stream to Make a Better India as the Most Developed World Nation, to Fulfill the Dream of our Beloved President Dr.Abdul Kalam.... Our Politicians are Polluting our India... I'm really Shame on our Politicians.. (13 years ago)
Globlization has some side effects like we left some natural things like food wich we are using is almost synthetic food for exemple GM FOOD and the mnst dangriuos advancement is globel i rite baalaa bro? (13 years ago)
Yeah... You are right Najami... (13 years ago)
By the by, rite means a religious ceremony which will be done for the peace of the soul of a man after his death.. eeeeeee... So, please type as 'right' always... Hmmmm....? (13 years ago)
... (13 years ago)
oops.. (13 years ago)
(13 years ago)