Bfor i leave, To d one who called me " An islamic scholar.." a thousand thanKs.. OtherZ b4 u glue yur wOrdz her maKe suRe yu dOnt hate diz tOpic.. AnyOne whO feelS uncOmfrtable wid diz tOpic i requeSt yu tO enjOy d otheR tOpicz.. Dont trY tO pollute diZ tOpiC intO a jerK.. It'S ol abOut faCts.... And laStly d reaSon b'hind diZ tOpic iz tO prOve my faKeness tOwardZ d Oath i tuk.. dOnt get intO diz tOpic unlesS yu've a pOint dealinG wid da tOpic.., (13 years ago)
SomeOne said under d tOpic F*** Islam, n F*** ol d muSlim' Wat is one prOud of a religiOn dat advOcateS da heaVen Of fornicatiOns of hOmosexuals? Anothr cOment, " why wud gOd chOOse a maSs murdeRer, a rapiSt(nauzubillah) a blasphmer, peodophile a madman(nauzubillah) and pOwer n s** hunger persOn as hIs prOphet... Killing widout reaSon spreaDing islam nOt wid wid discuSsion logic or spiritualiTy but wid murdeRs n waRs is beyOnd me"-Valentin052. (13 years ago)
No muSlim "PIG" is willinG tO diScusS faCts..??- VALENTINO52.. BelOw aRe d prOofs/fACTS OF YUR QSN " WHAT IS SO HOLY ABOUT OUR PROPHET(pBUH) " (13 years ago)
hey baby you must leave now n dont come again,,,,,......,,,,,,,,, if u r not able to tolarate this,,,,... (13 years ago)
Proof 1: weneva Allah(SWT) adressd da prophetS in d hOly buk Qur'an, He did sO by name;ex:'O Adam', 'O Noah', 'O Zakariyah', 'O Moses', but wen he adresseD da prOphet (SAWS), 'he bestOwed an honor upon him, dat he did not evn prefer to take his name.. Proof 2: Allah swt in d qur'an said, we r not to take hiS messngers honrble name among ourslvs as if he ws a common man.. (13 years ago)
hi hi y myself hi hi (13 years ago)
hey yu new comer..... I hope yu underStand englisH.... Clear out yur self, i dint invite yu here dOnt try punchng diz tOpic.. Somwer elSe.. (13 years ago)
hi hi hi (13 years ago)
funky dont cry (13 years ago)
proof 3: da people who disbelived often charged d prophets of Allah as a madman... But dose prophetS had tO respond to them by themselves to say dey r nOt mad. But wen it came to charges against his b'loved messnger , Allah swt took it upOn himslf to reSpond. For example wen eve the Prophets (saws) ws chargd with being a madman or a poet (nauzubillah), allah swt himself answerd via d holy txts, dat his beloved is neither mad nor a poet... " YOU ARE NOT,BY D GRACE OF YUR LORD, MAD OR POSSESSED" Al'qur'an (68:2) (13 years ago)
just satup yar,,,,,.....,,,,, borring topic (13 years ago)
Dont leave Yua unnecessary pOsts...! (13 years ago)
create some interesting topic yar,,,,,..... Hi hi hi (13 years ago)
ok den teach me (13 years ago)
hey chinese virus ver.2
(13 years ago)
hi nnnnnnnnnnnnnn lol (13 years ago)
.. (13 years ago)
welCom.... WelcOm.. (13 years ago)