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 Who is naffa? Ans: Funky10 is naffa!

hi naffa,,,,, (13 years ago)

nafaa is a soul of jawaid. (13 years ago)

thanks brother...nd i am sorry for past. (13 years ago)

naffa is my sis  (13 years ago)

ha ha.... I smtymZ wOndr y am i giVen sO much of imprtanCe..! (13 years ago)

does jaiwad good healthy ! No more have problem in here .. I'm happy !  (13 years ago)

phoenix i also sorry for my missbehaving.but i am not wrong..kya karoo sis,I am in love.......sis i agan sorry 4 that... (13 years ago)

bro,phoenix jo b hoo...i am sorry phoenix.nd u bro. (13 years ago)

nd bro what is mean by B/W.if u say me bewkoof then u say anything bcoz u r my bro. (13 years ago)

I luaGh at da dumb-bell whO's tryinG tO rinG heRe, n lauGh alOud at da One whO's clapPing wen it rinGs..! (13 years ago)

But i guess "b/w", theRe dint mean "between", but "By the waY"....!! (13 years ago)

jawaid r u married already actually i think u r doing wrong bcoz u r (u know)....ha ha ha (13 years ago)

wat i am looking wat iam reading omG mams &jawaid is friends now ...very good i am very happy congratulations friends i think it was my prayer then u r friends now.... Yeh dosti kabi tum nahin todna ....kuch b ho ek dooje ka saath na chodna......  (13 years ago)

lol.... (13 years ago)

hey azad... Plz feel free tO eXpose hiS truthS, i'l be grateful tO yu, i knw yu bOth hail frOm d same place J&K,... Yu must b knwinG abt him...., sO iz ther sOmthng wiCh cud pull him dOwn...??lol (13 years ago)

azad which place 4 u in jandk. (13 years ago)

azad which place 4 u in jandk. (13 years ago)

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