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 U have some talents and u know that.how to make ur talents useful?

Tell me ur talents and how to use that? (15 years ago)

If any 1 have talent ....he will know use of talent becoz if he dnt know use of talent then he is not talented... (15 years ago)

I know i have but i haven't sum idea yet to make it useful..culd u tell me? Maybe it can make money 4 me...hehe (15 years ago)

Start a business nd get prfit with ur talent... (15 years ago)

look u hav telent and dont knw how to use it ...so dont try just give up ....becoz thing of this how can i use my telent ...u r westing u r telent ...and u stop thing and start doing u will start useing u r telent ..till than enjoy u r life with wat u hav and what u dont hav....  (15 years ago)

Hmm..but sometimes i don't know how to start it.. I think so..if i don't use my talents,it will b lose.. Anyway,guyz..hv u used ur talents? (15 years ago)

I dnt know that i have talent or not............Bt m always first in my all activity .... Nd my family have pround on me. (15 years ago)

Jst do it (15 years ago)

so Ath...whats ur talent? (15 years ago)

Hy,Qaf...where were u've been? My talents..hmm.. Singing,dancing,drawing,writing story,fashion design...i luv art! ^^ (15 years ago)

bend your thumb and index finger until they form an L then place your fingers on your forehead (15 years ago)

WoW...u should be an actress Ath (15 years ago)

Haha...i hope that,Qaf.. And..hmm..what is the meaning of making L letter w/ur finger n put that on head? (15 years ago)

... Talent? Evri1 has its own talent. Only in diff. Areas. Like, musics, techn0logies, c0mputer programming, art, singing dancng, etc... (15 years ago)

I got talent that i dont like...how bout u all (15 years ago)

What talent? (15 years ago)

U know athena being a jerk...hehehe (15 years ago)

Huahahaha..nice answer.and i got talent for answering ur every jerk words.haha.. =D (15 years ago)

Yeah...thats why i like u...want 2 be my sis? (15 years ago)

Yes,i want, my brother.u'll b my 'jerk'brother,huh? Haha. I'm just kidding,my little bro.. (15 years ago)

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