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 there is no froud just the one allah nd his messenger mohamed

in this praying lines " there is no god just the one allah " mohamed is trying to show that god is down than allah simply he is comparing god with allah  (13 years ago)

dnt blame my prophet pbuh fr anythng, he just did as he wz commanded to do... wat do think, wen i say Allah is da only god , he has prepared believers the mighty heaven, n hell for those who disbelieve, ... so allah jus dint create trouble fr you... since it is har to believe he sent messengers n revealed the holy quran so dat yu dont blame them fr not warning yu abt these bfore...???  (13 years ago)

yu non-muSlims... Make up yur mind to fi8 against da terror haha... wat are yu actually scared of..?? yu keep posting articles blaming islam ... hahaahaa... aren't yu so brave to take actionz to stop da terrorists...?/ or iz yur god not interested in saving da hundrdz of those who lost their life fr nothng...??? if yur religion iz true y iz yur god letting more n more people to convert to islam day by day ... no matter if diz convrsion acc to yu iz due to polygamy or due to interest of non muslimz towardz islam.... yu thnk evrythng in diz world iz permanent...?? hahaaha... wake up n realize da truth.. yu dont know TO Allah iz our ultimate return diz world is fr a short period to test us v obey whom...?/  (13 years ago)

someone iz really happy cz he'z succedding in brainwashing the non-muslimz...THE SATAN...haha... but unfortunately people dnt realize by following him, they're gonne be the inmates of hell..... I thnk Allah fr his merCy upon me... i've lots to ask the non muslimz.... waiting their presence... (13 years ago)

M thnkng dt vts problm vd u and ur companion non-muslims. Y do u hate islam and its follower just because of this that the islam is blooming and growing in the world as well as in europe. Due to this cause, all of u are worry and trying to retain your religious identity in this world but ur on mistake becoz the Allah created the universe and this world so He, His religion and His teachings are supreme power. Islam just preach the teachings of Supreme Lord Allah, Allah loves His creature, specially Holy Prophet (PBUH) so He will punish the people who are against to His Prophet and Him. So,now u have time to embrace islam otherwise u don't know the wrath of ALLAH.  (13 years ago)

Suck my fuck (13 years ago)

Diz tOpic iZ sO hurtinG..., I dnt understanD watZ wrOng ol of 'em heRe..!?? DeSe wOrshipeRz Of thOusanD gOdz r reallY nOt staBle deY Hav nO oder wOrk dan juS tO pOst artiCles blaminG ISlam.. Yet diZ trUe reliGiOn Iz fOund tO b seCond larGeSt in whOle wOrld... RealiZe yur prOblem Non muSlim frnDz, yur Own ved saYs derZ OnlY gOd fr d entiRe UniverSe n dat iZ exaCtlY wat iZ d baSiC prncple Of ISlam.. Yur to-B-wOrshipd liSt grOws daY by daY as per u deSire.. Ol we'V been trYinG tO tel yu iZ praiSe d onlY lOrd n DonT maKe anythnG equal tO him.. I imaGine nOw iF SaChin iZ tO Get anOthr centUry in da Main teSt serieS, d whOle stadium wil b wD puja thaliS, Cz he'l b da neXt God fOr sOm oF yu.... StOp diZ PraCtiCe RealiZe da truth, Yu'l nO dOubt aChieVe nOthnG but SuCcess.. N Fr God saKe dOnt creaTe suCh tOpiCs... Evn We knOw hOw tO hurt yu Ol, but Our weakneSs v dOnt...  (13 years ago)

few months ago some bastard maked a topic named allah is the only almighty power (or something like this ) . He his self replied allah nd no other then few more muslims replied "allah" then one of our forum member alien2012 replied - allah is Shiv ji in hinduism ( i am also not satisfied now ) oh after that what you all did muslim girls nafaa nd sinox.... You hurts others emotions..... It simply means muslim thought only they have heart others are stone so easily you hurting others because its teaching of your islam  (13 years ago)

i am again saying IF YOU RESPECT OTHERS , OTHERS WILL RESPECT YOU (13 years ago)

................ AM sOrry, but yu'v actuallY recald very few thnGs.., I thnK i knw a li'l mOre abt wat yu r talkinG... Da tOpic yua recallinG is "Do yu belive theRes no God but Allah n da only One.. By a member muizsence(dnt knw spelling of exactly)N he himself commntd Dat he belives it as a muslim, alien posted dat belives in God Allah but nOt only one.., tO wiCh muiz replyd, not One, buT da One n only One. Itz den dat alien replyd, do yu knw Allah is shivji n hinduiSm..." It wz My veRy frSt pOst in diz site, very new tO wiCh i pOsted coments based On d tOpic n nOt on odrz comnts.. My frst pOst on da tOpic wz"Yes i do believe, dnt yu envy ther can b a sinGle olmighty pOwer datz capable of rulinG da entire univerSe.." n manY membrz made further comntz..!, I alSo rember Yur(Jay) frSt appearanCe on diz tOpic wz wid a Comnt smthnG lyk diz,wid a luaghtr yu said" am baCk wid my maGical wordZ therz nO gOd cald Allah, n Islam does nOt exiStz.." (13 years ago)

i alSo rembr furtheR convrsatiOnz, but dOnt want tO pOst em heRe, i hav nO prOblem wid hinduiSm, it shOws wat it Iz d prOblem iz wid sOm of d hindu guyz heRe whO started blaminG iSlam.., i had nO intntiOnz of arguinG n blminG odr religiOn unleSs sOm of yu trieD tO Compare terroriSt wid Islam... It cleaRlY shOwz whO startd abuSinG n whO jOind in lateR...! Bt i'd requeSt ol Of mY muSlim brOthrZ tO stOp UsinG fOul lanGuageS wen theY blame Islam, Yu shud Ol set an eXample fOr wat iSlam teaChes yu n nOt jOin in wid the slanG uSerZ so dat No diffrnCe remaiN btween YOU n them..! (13 years ago)

Yes (13 years ago)

Kuty (13 years ago)

nafaa1159 ofcourse ther's no god but Allah, Dont yu evr thnk there can b one almighty power that can Rule this entire universe...?? There is one god, all mercifull,n the most beneficient..!! (2 months ago)....... You nd your religion hurting faiths of others but you can't anything truths of others (13 years ago)

wat wz it wrOng wid mY comment..?? I want tO knw.. I said wat iz wriiten in My hOly qur'an, n dat in yur ved, I said i beliv derz onlY one God behinD diz entire creatiOnz. So wer'Z da pOint raiSinG of huRtinG othrZ here..? Pls cleaR.. (13 years ago)

god is nature so love it (13 years ago)

its not written in my any ved nd i allready said your religion nd you(all) hurting faiths , beliefs nd feelings of others (13 years ago)

.............................I dont thnK sO,,.. HOw can Our religiOn huRt othrZ belieFs, V staY minDinG oUr bUsiness(But as muSlimS v wOnt stOp intrOduCnG Islam thru-Out da wOrld iTs Our fOrMost dutY to..) n Do nOt fOrceFullY brinG peOple tO da IslamiC fold, itS as peR der deSire, n itZ meanInGLESS or NO Gain in jOinG them fOrcefully if dey actuallY dOnt embraCe Islam wid der Soul/spirituality... (13 years ago)

oh means according to your islam you can hurt others emotions its ok for you. I have a friend from indodnesia she is a muslim but she hate muslims do you know why ? She became muslim by force , her nd her family's life was like hell. I allready gave you the example of Sikh religion but you still saying the same thing. (13 years ago)

islam islam islam nothing only a way of teaching a terror u all are terroriest n nothing ur book is a jokes book or chaiye musalmano (13 years ago)

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