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 Fate vs luck

do yu blive in luck..? y normally people keeĆ¾ expecting luck wen its done dat we are sure of getting wats in our fate...! Wat do yu thnk all dat yu got/hav is yur luck or fate..  (13 years ago)

hmm.. I think i believe.  (13 years ago)

Personally ! dn't believe in luck..!!! Everything happening in this world is well planned and perfectly executed..!! We may call it as fate..! Dis all what ! BeliveIn..!!! ! Like to know whatz your view topic owner..!!  (13 years ago)

topic owner?? well Strongly believe that wat ever happend, and wat will happen in my future is strongly decided by my fate... Luck has got nothng to do in my life...! Wen some one is surprised and say.."what a luck.!!" it seems lyk yu a got da particular in fluke..loll... Wer its actually fate gives us wat v desrve n somtyms wat v dont..((( but i dunno y i wish people all the best or best of luck.... Lollz, may b i don really mean that...! (13 years ago)

Even the matter Luck didn't play in my life at any time, I believe in that matter luck.. I've no idea about Luck in insight manner... I think, luck is an other word of Good Time.. (13 years ago)

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