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 JoB and WomeN..

Guys... Whats your opinion about Women go to job...? What are the benefits and losses on this issue? (13 years ago)

it has only a benifit i.e addition of income.and nthin more. (13 years ago)

It helps women to encourage their self repect, secure life, indepence.disadvangtage: dnt get proper time for family. Its difficult to maintain work nd family together (13 years ago)

Hmmm.. Is it..? But, could they take care on their family..? You can approach this topic with Working Women vs Home Makers.. (13 years ago)

alien.. It has many benefits like, extending the economic hand to husband to fulfill the needs of life, a useful way to spend the free time of women.. And another fact is, a Country which allows their women to go to job, that country becomes more strong in all aspects than any other countries.. But, look at the family matters... (13 years ago)

i dont think that phoenix.. I am totaly opposite except addition of income. (13 years ago)

Even money plays a main role in a family, need of love leads the need of money... If we see from outside of the family, it wont look as a big matter.. If we think from the point of children, it wont be an easy one to tolerate... 95% families in which the wife goes to job, satisfies the materialistic life of their children and other relatives but they fail in love filled life.. Another psychologic matter deals this matter... No husband likes by 100% with this matter of wife going to job... Even it is tough to believe, its the truth.. (13 years ago)

NO openean (13 years ago)

it's great if their husband like his wife get job but she must take care their family too eventhough it's less time . (13 years ago)

.. (13 years ago)

 (13 years ago)

Bala ur view is ri8 i acept it but at the same time money is also mre needed. I approach women can go 2 job. They should also spend time with ther childrens at holidays(sunday & satur) (13 years ago)

...... (13 years ago)

If they go to job then only , they stop spending lot for shopping and they will know difficulty of earning money  (13 years ago)

Ha.. Haa.. Lava.. Your ans is funny.. If it is so, women are realizing the effort of men to earn money..  (13 years ago)

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