Why do girls have more control by their parents ? (13 years ago)
because if respect 4 girl goes down, girls cant get that respect again. (13 years ago)
because girls always need help (13 years ago)
but why it reaCheZz sumtYmzZ to bE a pRisOner !!
(13 years ago)
I think may be bcoz girls needs more affection an d attention thats why... (13 years ago)
m agree dadhich also (13 years ago)
if parents don't controll girls then girls would normally fall in love with boys. this will make down their parents head down. Undrstood u or still confuse ?
(13 years ago)
Because they are the future mothers (13 years ago)
Hmmm.. alien, you are right.. Girls are controlled by their parents in the matter of Prestige issue among the relatives and this socity.. According to a popular saying, Children's character expose the character of parents.. For this reason, children are controlled by their parents with what should they do and shouldn't and where do they go and shouldn't.. Our socity always watches with hawk eye that every girl's character rather than boy's character.. Its because of our Socity is based on man domination.. Mostly the girls are not treated as a human being but a living asset to sale.. Parents have a big work that they should create a good path for their daughters to walk in a good path till she get married a good person.. (13 years ago)
i know right. Im currently facing this situation. My parents dont let me go out with my friends and when they do, i have a curfew. Btw,im 17 already. So its depressing that i cant even go out to study with my friends or just have lunch with them. Isit bcoz im the youngest and the only daughther? (13 years ago)
Wish i could help u hiyo....but its for ur better future dear (13 years ago)
well, i hope so too. Thats life right? Just have to deal with it. Thanks anyway. (13 years ago)
Collen34 friend we have to overcome it (13 years ago)
You'll realize The reason for what your parents restrict you when you become as parent.. (13 years ago)
Women are physically weak in nature compare to men that is why parents especially father are more protective with their daughter rather than their sons. Our parents esp our father knew what teenage boys thinking and as much as they could they dont want their daughers to get involve with any issues involving boys like not allowing us to have a date until we graduated, no bf until the age 20, 6pm curfews etc. These are just ways to prevent their daughter from possible danger like rape or any physical abuse that may possibly occur. Women are like glass once it broken it considered damage..LOL (13 years ago)
Most of the Girls are weak not only by physically but also mentally.. Ha.. Haa.. (13 years ago)
thanks alot for ur advice.
(13 years ago)
mentally weak? What do you mean by that? (13 years ago)
u girls really can't undrstand ..
(13 years ago)
Ha.. Haa.. Girls are weak not only by Emotionally but also by Mentally.. They look like Cat on the Wall in taking decision love matter.. Thatsy They Drop their lovers when they are threatened by their parents.. (13 years ago)