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 how i can get .cer and .key file for my nokia c5-03 ?

i tried opda and s60certkey.com and xstevedore (software) , nothing useful.  (13 years ago)

didn't get you what you actually trying to know ? (13 years ago)

nokia c5-03 is a s60v5 mobile. It can install extra software. But there are some software that we cant install directly. In order to install, we need sign the software. And .cer and .key r file used for sign software. (13 years ago)

and i n3èd these files (13 years ago)

Hi there.. Kindly please help me. I just cant install any theme that i'de download. It always says certificate eror pls contact the suppliers. Help me please. (13 years ago)

hello kindly check that the mobile clock time should b correct. Also u should select correct mobile model befor downloading theme. If one link doesnt work use the second link . (13 years ago)

Hey alien i have nokia 5300 wich is s40v fone i have a problem wd it that wehn i try to save any soft ware or app an error apears that certeficates not on sim or fone.where i can get those certs.plz help me. (13 years ago)

Slam sis how r u?u have blocked ur pm why? (13 years ago)

Slam sis how r u?u have blocked ur pm why? (13 years ago)

No wait????? (13 years ago)

@najami, check ur phone/security setting. Search there for authority certificates. I think u will not able to find any certificates there. However if u find certificates there check its trust settings. If u dnt find certificates u need to install certificates. However, these certificates r preinstalled.  (13 years ago)

there is no wonder @nafaa my savior is my God.  (13 years ago)

ok mams i'll try. Thanx 4 help  (13 years ago)

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