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....................................................mforum haS faced sO muCh within da PaSt feW weekZ, n EvryOne r reallY upSet abt it.. I requeSt ol da Old membrZ " (SOS)Anna, sinOx sis, njami brO, alien, SwallOw, nanCy, KraeiOus, mams, vampiRe, hardeeP,lovlyshawaiK etc tO PUT A LIFE TO DIZ FORUM AGAIN... NothinG wZ as fun but tO get heRe tOgetheR n share heRe wid ol.. Plz leaVe a replY if mY worDz wOrth it, n jOin in tO rebuild diZ fOrum.. ThnKz.. (13 years ago)

Sry, i cnt b here in future. As i already told u the reasn- MY STUDIES !!! Bt hey what happnd to othr membrs ? (13 years ago)

oops.. Our Forum page was like a Porcelian Article.. It was broken by all of us, and we failed on the matter of how to re-mend it again.. Most of us are thinking that they are matured in many aspects of life but their words show that their level of maturity.. When we are in angry mood, we won't realize the fault in our side but we'll blame others.. After many days (sometimes years) we'll realize our fault.. Similary, here we all are thinking ourselve nothing is wrong in our side.. But, one day we'll realize our faults..  (13 years ago)

yeah I agree with u baLLa anna....Long time no c, how's u ?  (13 years ago)

.I've bin findinG it really harD tO brinG ol Of my frnDz baCk On da fOrum.. I nevr realiSed an excessiVe presenCe on da foRum wud Make a lOt Of negatiVe actiVitieZ.. And abt d miStakeZ frm Our paRt V start regrettinG it aS soon as v realiZe Our WrongfulneSs.. N i did it a lOnG time baCk... Still lukinG frward tO RE-SUBSIST Our fOrum..Plz Join in n Create TopiCz tO waSh Off Our MIS UNDERSTANDINGS [if it can b cald as].. Make it liVely again... (13 years ago)

Slam to ol fun.... Sis u r ryte but most our old frnds r gone from os why we start to make new frnds here along wd our old frnds.....and bro i know u r engry on me sorry but it was just nothing more then comments.fun... Nice effort (13 years ago)

thnkZ Bhai... (13 years ago)

Sm of us retrnd back here, thanx all ! (13 years ago)

ThnKz SwallOw,.. N Yes hardeep, Very Glad tO c ol...  (13 years ago)

funky sis.. thank you.. you made me smile knowing that you treated me as one of your closest friends.. imissyou mua.. =) (13 years ago)

dddddddddd........ Heyy kra yua one amng ma fvrt skinnerz... Lv u ... Wc n misd u a lot..!! (13 years ago)

Heyy kra yua one amng ma fvrt skinnerz... Lv u ... Wc n misd u a lot..!! (13 years ago)

nice work.. (13 years ago)

missed you too.. sis.. haha mua (13 years ago)

wht hpnd nafaa? (13 years ago)

o..ou! Its upto u wht u think.  (13 years ago)

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