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 stupid club

Caption..."Idiotz are ta new generation geniuz" (13 years ago)

I thnk nafaa stolen key to sucez, somebdy help.. (13 years ago)

Okay, leav all... Me askng ta same qn agan cuz didnt got a satisftry anzwr.. So what Is da Key tO suCcess....? (13 years ago)

No one interestd.. Okay. Anyway i just answrng it in ma way... Key to suces is alwaĆ½z telling liez and dem beliv it.. Haha yu wil suced beliv me.... Clozd tta tta by by.. (13 years ago)

Strive for excellence & success will follow. This is the key to succeed in life.If u undestud this then its gud but if u do not then its better.  (13 years ago)

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