yes or no and why and how? (12 years ago)
..mmm.. I f0rgive but i don't f0rget.. If a pers0n made a betrayal on me,. I'd rather n0t to trust him/her once again, .i am just giving my trust to n0thing.. How?? By n0t sharing any secrets, and ofc0urse by n0t trusting..That's all how about ya? (12 years ago)
yes or no im not sure but im sure ,if i have a chance i will to betray him,as he had done "Fair Fair" (12 years ago)
No i wouldn't trust him/her once again... (12 years ago)
dependz on time and situation there might be sme reasOns 4 the thing that hurted u and u gaveup ur trust on him/her If u understand her well go n talk or let her talk world'z so big real frndz r so rare so never lOose 1 forget and forgive no matter how much time it takes " makes us human " (12 years ago)
knett frndz4never oh i mean 4ever (12 years ago)
agree with max !! its depend on time and situation !! (12 years ago)
Trust is like a vase.. once it's broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be same again.We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone but paradoxically, if we cannot trust,neither can we find love or joy..right?? (12 years ago)
There is no 'real' forgiveness when there is no forget.. Forgiveness means not making the statement, I forgave you by your tongue.. But, it should be made my your heart.. Forgiving is not giving an other opportunity to them to join with you.. But its giving a chance to your heart to trust them for one more time.. Between, No human is ideal to live without making mistakes in his life or on other's life.. So, I always Forgive others when they do mistakes at me.. But, I'll restrict my trust on them.. I'll forgive them till my trust on them becomes as a 'dot'.. (12 years ago)
PHOENIX nice answering.. agree with you. (12 years ago)
no. once someone betrayed u it will never be the same. (12 years ago)
no never lol
really?? jiejie... - Comment by GiFT0101
(May 2 2012 3:31PM)
btw.. why? - Comment by GiFT0101
(May 2 2012 3:32PM)
once be betrayal will always be betrayal - Comment by mizzy11
(May 4 2012 3:46PM)
really ?? u never believe again ? - Comment by YourFirstFriend
(Jun 1 2012 2:18PM)
(12 years ago)
no..i mean depends of the circumstances,if it was too bad..or not that bad..but i would say no,because i give him trust and he used, like it was not important,and devalues me..i can say sorry but the mess was done(and stays in you memory) (12 years ago)
why so serious enjoy life stay hapPy olways (12 years ago)
ahahaha alwaysss (12 years ago)
Yes, I can trust again the person who once betrayed me. Even a wound takes time to heal so I believe that my heart will heal again and I believe that in time my heart will feel again hahaha The healing process is actually depends on the severity of the damage.. I often say that people we love hurted us the most be it in family, relationship and friendship because the people we trust are exactly the people we love and value.. (12 years ago)