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 its better to accept the fact that you are not appreciated than to insist your self to someone who never see your worth. . .

its better to accept the factthat you are not appreciatedthan to insist your self tosomeone who never see yourworth. . . (12 years ago)

That's right cause he/she will always take you for granted. (12 years ago)

do not step in where u aren't invited... old hindu saying but true.. but less r the people who live life they enjoy... rest of all care about others... so can't say anything on that. (12 years ago)

There is no harm in trying If someone dont appreciate you. Well i guess there must be lacking in you, but if you already gave your all and still the same, Then you have to accept the fact that things wont work between the two of you or simply you weren't meant to be..So you have two choices either be a martyr or move on  (12 years ago)

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