This is my number... +6282349176396 I need a friend.... - (12 years ago)Comment (1)
RiDZX80 (12 years ago) Do not waste your tears for those who leave you. Not you who have lost them, but they have to lose you .. hopefully cheerful always. :-)
randyoke (12 years ago) Hai...chila
STAZZY05 (12 years ago) Hi friend, i haven't heard 4rm u since. How are u.dis is my email address(
nomokumono (12 years ago) klo kamu mau, Qbisa dandanin profil kamu supaya jadi keren kayak profilQ juga (pamer).. aahahahah....♫
flyingme (12 years ago)
nomokumono (12 years ago) wait a minute....klo lokasi kamu di kwandang, berarti kamu dekat dengan lokasi ibuQ juga donk..beberapa bulan lalu ibuQ pindah ke kwandang ba...
nomokumono (12 years ago) maksudnya ?? klo kamu nulis ini, berarti kamu udah liat profile Aku..profileQ keren ga' ??
nomokumono (12 years ago) hei kamu bisa lihat profile OS ku ??
libraryscience (12 years ago) tq
Arunzday45 (12 years ago) Beautyfull
arifandenni (12 years ago) Makasih you 4 accept me..