julihead (11 years ago)
apa kabar
sathishdawn (12 years ago)
good morning...
expolade (12 years ago)
expolade_1234@yahoo.com . . . Add me baby 
sulaman001 (12 years ago)
salam.hi.how r you?
ghariban (12 years ago)
boleh minta fb donk mbk??
RYAN2119 (12 years ago)
ren,,qu mnta FB qmu donk...
johnken20 (12 years ago)
rjbmintac (12 years ago)
hi frnd. Its been a long time of not hearin frm u. How are u 2day? Take care always frnd. I miss u.
RYAN2119 (12 years ago)
haii rena...
sathishdawn (12 years ago)
sathishdawn (12 years ago)
our prestige is in our own tip of the tongue good evening....
julihead (12 years ago)
Btw ank Mana Nih...?
sathishdawn (12 years ago)
Life becomes romantic when eyes
start looking at someone silently... But Life becomes more romantic
when that someone starts reading
those ey...
zizo202 (12 years ago)
sathishdawn (12 years ago)
Height of lollu:
Sleeping beggar puts up a notice board in front of him as,
Please do not make noise by dropping coins,
Put notes.. GOOD MORNI...
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