meandyou (11 years ago)
coooollchik (12 years ago) Msg padh lena
king1 (12 years ago) {Image} honey4711 (13 years ago) When you truly care for someone... Their mistakes never change your feelings because..It's the mind that gets angry but the heart still c...
honey4711 (13 years ago) NEVER reject 3 pe0ple:LEO, SAGITARIOUS, AQUARIOUS.They are true, h0nest frIends !!NEVER believe in 3 pe0ple:GEMINI, PISES, SC0RPIO.Th...
honey4711 (13 years ago) Of course we'll meet new people &..........Fall in love again. Of course we're gonna........Hate each other & seek out to hurt each.......
honey4711 (13 years ago) Feelings are the most delicate thing in life. Never hurt them when anyone truly shows on U. Coz a great saying says "Today its Me, Tomorrow its Y...
honey4711 (13 years ago) prashnt gud evng
honey4711 (13 years ago) “I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to...