RiDZX80 (12 years ago)
"Let go of the past and think of the future.", they say
They don't know what its like being afraid every
Afraid of losing the one ...
dhedeAris (12 years ago)
Bnr nh mau teraktir w
idiih gx ush ngmng minjam lewat in jga kali syg malu...
udah ceh tlfn aj cyg klo ad plsa mach..
dhedeAris (12 years ago)
udh gx ush tau ini kan mslh pribad w neng..
Udh jgn mikir'n kluarga w yg hrs d pikir'n hbngan kta neng mga smpai nnti sllu brsma..
Inysa allh...
dhedeAris (12 years ago)
ga keman2 ko kan udh w bila klo w di rmh ucok trus hp ny lowbt lg'an ngpin ce krmh lg ga mu't ktmu dul lg udh tau lg ad mslh kluarga mlh nenk krm...
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