Ban ke chahat nazron se khat likhna likhna Tu hai jaisa, mujhko waisa dikhna dikhna - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
anu0011 (12 years ago) How are u frnd?? Hope awesome...I can't come online coz of studies nd havin some prblmsnd i've to concentrate on my studies other...
RBVPS (12 years ago)
xnirx (12 years ago) ---(^◡^) ♡♡ (^◡^)---A famous inspirational speaker said: “Bes...
anu0011 (12 years ago) {Image} RBVPS (12 years ago)
anu0011 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} RBVPS (12 years ago)
1508ika (12 years ago) {Image} ...Hello...:h...
damodar54 (12 years ago) Gud evening