bohna (12 years ago)
Lots of fun,
everything nice,
I wish you today.
Have a nice day
bohna (12 years ago)
◄ ☼ ► Spring I asked about you today.
A beautiful bouquet
of flowers you give ordered.
And it was lovely and very large,
of fiel...
MLOOOSH (13 years ago)
رّبـيْ إنّهٱ جّمـعَةْ مـِن خير أيام عندك ؛
فـ كتَب لَنـا ٱلخّيرَ فيهـٱ و أسّعِدْ فيها قّلوبَنا . .
رّبـيْ إنّ لَكْ ع...
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