Fatiha90 (12 years ago)
333968 (12 years ago)
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)
no tnx pqrta
i have a very l0ng gud sleep last ny . 
Gudaftie . 
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)
xiicharm05 (12 years ago)
tnx for adding me .
333968 (12 years ago)
Smooth FRIDAY & Take care ...
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
I like u , i like every u say, u are a c0mitment for ur Din, and u always make applicati0n for it.
Emm i think u can make me love m0re to AlLAH.
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
I like u
jam1420 (12 years ago)
There is nothing sadder in this life than to watch someone you love walk away after they have left you...To watch the distance bet...
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
My life is ok, i have the best family,
emmm in my place, every Ramadhan always to be different, every club, example diferent about the first d...
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
Emm I Live in Bandung, u kn0w ?
I'm stdent, and i'm single
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
I from indonesia. And u ?
Happy ramadhan al magfirah 2 .
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
Ok thanks.
AyuElfirmansyah (12 years ago)
Hi, u r cute, can i become to ur friend ?
alicesam (12 years ago)
Hello dear,
Please reply back with my email (samora635@yahoo.co.uk)
My name is Ora. i saw your profile today at(ownskin)and became interested i...
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