sweetheart13 (10 years ago)
sweetheart13 (12 years ago)
sweetheart13 (12 years ago) :lo...
Faizanx (12 years ago) Morning is not only sunrise but a beautiful miracle of GOD that defeats the darkness & spread li...
Faizanx (12 years ago) Smile is a language of Love. Smile is a way to get success, Smile is to win the hearts. Smile ...
moka93 (13 years ago) {Image} {Image} MOKA[/size...
Faizanx (13 years ago) There’s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be m...
Faizanx (13 years ago) With love of friendship Faizan
moka93 (13 years ago) {Image} sweetlyheart35 (13 years ago)
Faizanx (13 years ago) I’m feeling so happy, do u know why? b’coz i m so lucky ,do u know how ? b’coz God love me. do u know how? b’coz he...
sweetheart13 (13 years ago)
sweetlyheart35 (13 years ago)
Faizanx (13 years ago) My heart is like an open BOOK It depends on how you read ME Don?t judge me by my COVER Look inside and discover ...