chaque fois que je m'approche de lui..j'ai peur qu'il m'échappe.. si ce mec n'était qu'un mirage (m.p version yousra ;D) - (11 years ago)Comment (2)
BubbleS4 (12 years ago) Youssy
Kristina0204 (12 years ago)
Aticos (12 years ago) [url=] {Image} [/url][ur...
prem765 (12 years ago) mErRy ChRiStMaS My SwEeT FrIeNd eNjOy yOuR DaY....
Kristina0204 (12 years ago) Joyeux Noël ♥ et une bonne fête de fin d'année yousra
flyingme (12 years ago) Wishing you the timelesstreasure of Christmas; thewarmth of home,the love offamily & the company of goodfriends,...MERRY CHRISTMAS. . ....
prem765 (12 years ago) gOoD NiGhT My bUDdY SleEp wElL
prem765 (12 years ago) gOoD MoRnInG DeAr BudDy HaVe a NiCe DaY
prem765 (12 years ago) good evening my friend......
Aticos (12 years ago) [url=] {Image} [/url][url=http://www.glitter-graph...
prem765 (12 years ago) {Image} flyingme (12 years ago) May you begin this day May you begin this day with a smile on your face, and with happiness for your soul to embrace. Good Morning[/size...
CUDOR (12 years ago)
Aticos (12 years ago) [url=] {Image} [/url][url=http://www.desico...
Aticos (12 years ago) [url=] {Image} [/url][url=