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37+    Kelantan

About Me:

NothInG sPeciAl bOut mE.. JusT caLL mE pAriSh.. Why I uSed tHaT nAmE? CoZ mY naMe iS faRiS.. FrOm gOth tO eMo gOth bOy.. AlwAys eMo.. FakE smiLe, fAkE laUgHt, fAkE haPpy, eVerYthiNg fAKe.. Emmm..
Bored, Chilly or Horny ???
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: Celcom, Maxis
Phone Model: Sony Ericsson c510
Occupation: CheF
Company: Perdana resort
Fav. Celebrity: MatTheW belLamY, MUSE
Skinner Since: 14 years ago
Last Login: 14 years ago

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