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36+    c!tý F kràZgý þUñk!èZ,çHàNð!gárH,

About Me:

SOmETHin In thIs liFe iS uNeXPlAiNaBle. . . .thAtS ME. . . . . .hapPy iN uNHaPpy tiMez THaTS ME . . . .reaDy tO HElP BuT . . .helPleSs in mA OwN WAys. . . .thAts me. . .so m sTiLl sTAndiN In rAIn and thUnder of sUcKIN LIfe. . . .cAndle iN RaIn thAtS ME. . . .are yA GONa ma waY. . . But i aM NOt in thE HELl LOve. . .pUsH THe reD BuTtON and FUCK oFF anD CRusH thE HEArt . . . .nOw i wRAp MA WORdS ABouT ME
Devils united
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: vodafone
Phone Model: nokia n72
Fav. Movies: fIrTY, F, RsT, DaTEs, mY, Ex, gAl, fr, en, tOkyO, Dr, ft, cAS, nO, ròy, GBP, bRoK3N, BR, DGES, s3pereNd, ty, cYbér, seDuCT, øN, aMéR, CaN, P, è, o, pArTz, wHèN, hArRy, , GBPTz, s, ly, jUsT, Ma, uCk, waNtèD, fAsT, N, fuR, OUz, sCarY, MoV, E, 4, gRuDG3, sAw, o, paRtZ, aM3R
Fav. Celebrity: branjelina
Skinner Since: 16 years ago
Last Login: 14 years ago

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