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About Me:

One Nite MooN Said TO Me.. " If Love MaKes Yew CRy.. Than Why dOn't Yew LeAve yOuR Lover..? " ..
I LoOoked BacK tO Moon And Said.. " Moon , WOuld Yew EveR Leave yOur Sky.. ?"

True Love Is Very Difficult To Find... But Once You Find It Than Never Leave HIM/HER...Strange and mysterious feeling which you really don't know,what it is.But you feel it has completely captured your heart and your soul...Here is the time that you want to say from the bottom of your heart...I LOVE YOU

Before you can begin to live again...
You need a light in your lonely nights...
Let it start my friend let it start...
Let the tears come rolling from your heart...
Carry me like a fire in your heart...
Carry me like a fire in your heart...
ThAts all ny ThINg else u WAnna know B ma friend...... love u all
Evil and cruel !!
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: vodafone, tatadocomo, reliance, virgin gsm
Occupation: graduated
Hate: nothing
Skinner Since: 15 years ago
Last Login: 13 years ago

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