kingings (12 years ago)
shisainegirl (12 years ago)
it's OK
ShafeecaGABRIELA (12 years ago)
Bah . .
ShafeecaGABRIELA (12 years ago)
Halu . . Mcm knal jak ko ni , hehe
cristinacho (12 years ago)
How r u? My frend
cristinacho (12 years ago)
Thank u
enma10 (12 years ago)
ta.. kre nyer enma bnci2 ngn 0wg len.. bkn adk enma..
enma10 (12 years ago)
yg enma gd0h nie.. bkn ngn adk laa.. enma gd0h ngn 0wg len.. ta ske diew.. bnci..
imagoodguy (12 years ago)
dai?? mean day-,-
imagoodguy (12 years ago)
noi,ai jus't can sai happie evr'ieday budd'y
make a bright dai wit' sunyshin'e!!
Daynell (12 years ago)
I tried to forget him, I try to
divide my feelings towards other
people as I am with him, but
difficult for me to express all my
feelings tow...
Daynell (12 years ago)
let the memories that are long
gone, but the first love is still
stuck in my memory until
now. . .
imagoodguy (12 years ago)
ai say,lovee is ai think dat maike pep0l feelz veary happie aind thae most neetd-,- is sowmethngs greatt toi be lovee aind loveing
rinhoneysweet91 (12 years ago)
kamu mengharapkan cinta dri siapa?
imagoodguy (12 years ago)
ui haheh0hi i gve ur the best 0p the best t0 win women h.e.a.r.t..all u have to do is dreamm..dream dream dreamm..dreamm dreamm..ui,inbox me!
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