Yousuf86 (13 years ago)
Mujsa friend karogi?
Arafat0181 (13 years ago)
SAGOR20 (13 years ago)
I love you01843165910
ayanmandal (13 years ago)
hay bondhu tumi kamon acho,amar tomake khub valo lage
msks90 (13 years ago)
hi friend how are you.
saddam1781 (13 years ago)
Hi nabilaefte H r u good name and dac and pac so lokings ......Nice......
msks90 (13 years ago)
hi H r u.rpy me
najafi (13 years ago)
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Darkknight158 (13 years ago)
Nabilaefte amr friend request ta grohon koro na kano?
Orni56 (13 years ago)
Ami ki tomar bondhu hote pari.
nahid5494 (13 years ago)
I like to be friendship. Call me-01914223689
TANBIN21 (13 years ago)
hrw are you pls send me a sms pls
Nabilaeftehappy (13 years ago)
Tarikul26 (13 years ago)
Best gift "FLOWER" Best wish "KHUSHI" Best feeling "LOVE" Best person "MUM" Best friend "YOU" Best say it's my simple wish " HAPPY ..........."by T
Nobel1985 (13 years ago)
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