kareem6891 (12 years ago)
kareem6891 (12 years ago)
hi frnd..... Mrng
kareem6891 (12 years ago)
life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy...
L0veHuRt (12 years ago)


Praveenpatil52 (12 years ago)
SWEET Morning
kareem6891 (12 years ago)
if you can learn from the worst times of your life, your going into the best times of your life.......
Take care........
kareem6891 (12 years ago)
hi how are u bro
Sandy199181 (12 years ago)
very good mg ,,,
Sandy199181 (12 years ago)
hi,, praveen ,,
MADHUKIRAN03 (12 years ago)
"For every success of a person, there will be a Countless Pain in their Heart. . .
And that Pain makes them as a Successful Person in Life". . ....
soniasoni (12 years ago)
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