daqx (13 years ago)
Wishing you always...
Walls for the wind, [/s...
daqx (13 years ago)
You never know when someone
May catch a dream from you.
You never know when a little word,
Or something you may do
May open ...
daqx (13 years ago)
"Being happy is the cornerstone of all that we are! Nothing is more important than that we feel good! And we have absolute an...
daqx (13 years ago)
If I have learned anything everyday, it is that people need another, the presence is important
caring people, helpful people, i...
daqx (13 years ago)
"I accept you as you are"
"I believe you are valuable"
"I care when you are hurt"
"I desire only wh...
daqx (13 years ago)
God's voice is everywhere, we almost have to be closing our eyes and stopping our ears to miss it..
He sometimes shouts th...
daqx (13 years ago)
God's voice is everywhere, we almost have to be closing our eyes and stopping our ears to miss it..
He sometimes shouts th...
daqx (13 years ago)
"hear, and forget.. see, and remember... do,and understand..."
Never give up the right ...
daqx (13 years ago)
Life Is An Echo
What you send out - comes back.
What you sow - you reap.
What you give - you get.
What yo...
kanaria2010 (13 years ago)
kanaria2010 (13 years ago)
kanaria2010 (13 years ago)
TMNETK2 (13 years ago)
اليا ضحكت بـ كل لحظة تذكرّت ..
.. إني بدونك , وأستحي من حنيني
يعني : (وفا) لا من ذكرتك تكدرّت
… ولو ماتحسّه يكفي آحس فيني [/s...
daqx (13 years ago)
“May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering Angel so nothing can harm y...
BlackRoose (13 years ago)
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