I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak. - (9 years ago)Comment (0)
shawie15 (10 years ago) {Image} Distance never separate anyrelation..Time never build any r...
shawie15 (10 years ago) GUD MORNING {Image} HAVE A GUD DAY AHEAD
shawie15 (10 years ago) You can't care whatother people thinkof whom youchoose to love, ornot to love. Whenit comes to yourlove life, it's NOTthe time to b...
shawie15 (10 years ago) There is never atime or place fortrue love. Ithappensaccidentally, in aheartbeat, in asingle flashing,throbbing moments...[im...
shawie15 (10 years ago) °°****Cute and true lines – Never choosea dear one without understandingand never loose a dear one becauseof misunderstanding *** Gud E...
shawie15 (10 years ago) {Image} Those special people who believein others give them the courage tosucceed...
iamdiva (10 years ago)
shawie15 (10 years ago) {Image} Tension is the poison of theAmbition..so no more tension,have full attenti...
reinragel (10 years ago) Im fine and thanks
shawie15 (10 years ago) This life is whatyou make it. Nomatter what,you're going tomess upsometimes, it's auniversal truth.But the good partis you get to...
shawie15 (10 years ago) {Image} have a wonderful day
amany333 (10 years ago) please friends take care som one take my name &add number 3 and take my pic and make a fake profileارجو الحذر...
reinragel (10 years ago) Im fine
iamdiva (10 years ago) ▂ ▄ ▂ ▄ Ҕεℓℓөш Ғгпδ ▄ ▂ ▄ ▂[/s...
ankit4274 (10 years ago) if nothing goes right!!!!go left.