akb34 (10 years ago)
SANJUBABA60 (10 years ago)
jeyen26 (10 years ago)


khoff786 (11 years ago)
Rohit9959 (11 years ago)
Nobdy undrstands d reasn y v met in dis life's journy.
V r nt relatd by blood bt v just knw that, God put us 2gthr 2 b best friends by heart..
swathi26 (11 years ago)
no body here frnd
swathi26 (11 years ago)
no body here frnd
swathi26 (11 years ago)
dear frnd u r name
swathi26 (11 years ago)
no yaar now eating frnd
swathi26 (11 years ago)
only u chat with me
swathi26 (11 years ago)
u only me banu but network problam
swathi26 (11 years ago)
ok frnd banu are u lunch finish frnd
banu3373 (11 years ago)
k swathi we can chat here..
swathi26 (11 years ago)
i am from hyd and u banu now working os chat
swathi26 (11 years ago)
i am from hyd and u banu now working os chat
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