nixhidalgo sOmetimes 8 brKz a hARt 2 say gudbYE, bt if itz d oNLY way 2 mke th!ngz bter, 8s easier 2 liv lyf and walk aloNE dan 2 carry bAgagges u woudn't own.. - (14 years ago)Comment (2)
nixhidalgo miziNg u lyk crAZy.. - (14 years ago)Comment (6)
nixhidalgo can u be mine? - (15 years ago)Comment (7)
nixhidalgo its betTer tO tell me the trUth.. Than tO shOw me liEs.. - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
nixhidalgo gudbye - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
nixhidalgo tkcre.. - (15 years ago)Comment (1)
nixhidalgo gonna quit n ownskin.. - (15 years ago)Comment (4)
nixhidalgo gotta go.. B bAck oN mOnday.. Tkcre and gODBLEsS. - (15 years ago)Comment (3)
nixhidalgo xO HApPY dat i hav u.. mwauhHh.. nvr evr leV me.. My fwndZz, - (15 years ago)Comment (2)
nixhidalgo tireD.. LaCK of slEp.'! - (15 years ago)Comment (1)
nixhidalgo wer r u my pRINCE'charming. ? - (15 years ago)Comment (9)
nixhidalgo 4Gt d damN prOBLEMs,. And b hapi.! - (15 years ago)Comment (10)
nixhidalgo hate me or love me. ? - (15 years ago)Comment (22)
nixhidalgo im tirEd of being.. A girl, - (15 years ago)Comment (4)
nixhidalgo d hardEr u trY tO 4get smEthng.. d mOR u thInk aBOuT it uncoNsciously..=). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GodbleSs,and tKecre, - (15 years ago)Comment (4)