sadam523 (11 years ago) Al_QuranAur Jb Hm Ny Farishton Ko Hukum Dya Ke Adam (A.S) Ko Sajda Kro To Wo Sb Sajdy Mn Gir Pry, Mgr Iblees (Shetan) Ny Inkaar Kia Aur Gurur...
Inayah19 (11 years ago) Sorry, I Don't understand with ur language. Use english please
nursyafaria (11 years ago) wa'alaikum salam
sadam523 (11 years ago) Assalam-0-Alaikum2ston! Mn Ny Apna Islamic Group Start Kia Hai Jo B Join Krny ki khwahishmnd Hn Wo Apna Name Aur City Name Is Num P Bhejen....
GULPAANA98 (11 years ago) in 6 buks ki magr zyada bukhari sharif n muslim sharif.
sadam523 (11 years ago) Hmari ye i.d follow krein js p hr bt Quran aur Hadees ki roshni p ki jati h firqa pirsti se pak i.dfollow @Al_Tauheedsend to 40404
sweets99 (12 years ago)
sweets99 (12 years ago) Upload PicturesGoogle HomepagesCute Quotes
sweets99 (12 years ago) Image SearchInspirational QuotesCool Names
agiza11 (12 years ago)
agiza11 (12 years ago) Wkwkwkwk.. U 2 na
agiza11 (12 years ago) I think you go to war hehe..
sadam523 (12 years ago) Love the earth and sun and animals,Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks,Stand up for the stupid and crazy,Devote your income and...
sadam523 (12 years ago) "I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling orcatching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me...