“When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.” - (11 years ago)Comment (6)
Kartikaggarwal (10 years ago) [url=http://friends18.com/category/for-you/]
Aticos (10 years ago) .....*..lovelovelo…*…*..lovelovelove….*..*.lovelovelovelove…*…………….*….*.*..lovelovelovelovelo…*………*.lovel….**..lovelovelovelovelove…*...
zizo202 (11 years ago)
hawk63 (11 years ago) أشياء صغيره لكنها دات معنى انسانى عميق .. الحب يجــعل مــن الحيـاة أسهــل ......
flyingme (11 years ago) HAVE A NICE WEEKEND
hawk63 (11 years ago) ♥ Have a nice day
Bondadde (11 years ago) Angel i love angels
Aticos (11 years ago) {Image}
hawk63 (11 years ago) .لماذا تفعلى بي كل هذالماذا تجعليني اشتاق اليكاشتاق الي همسك وابتسامتكاحن اليكىاحن لعينيكى وروحكلماذا تسيطرى علي كيانىلماذا...
Bondadde (11 years ago) satana what this name mean ???????
satana06 (12 years ago) frendz um goIng to be away fo whiLe, be bk after finaL exam
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} Mornings get Sweeter wh...
flyingme (12 years ago)